The most shared definition of environmental safety is procedures, guidelines, and practices that guarantee the safety and well-being of anyone working in the current area. A safe and healthy workplace protects workers from injury and illness. A safe and healthy workplace can also lower injury/illness costs, reduce absence and turnover, increase quality and productivity, and raise employee determination.

The main purpose of health and safety is to protect your current workers, sub-contractors, customers and members of the public when they are involved with your business. You have a duty of care under the Health and Safety Act, 1993 – but more than that, it’s good business practice to adhere to health and safety laws.

Below is a list of safety tips that might be helpful to avoid injuries or losses.

Safety Tips:

  • Your safety is your personal responsibility;
  • You must always follow the correct procedures;
  • One must never take shortcuts;
  • Use the appropriate tool for the job;
  • Always wear the correct PPE for the work that needs to be done;
  • Ensure a clear and easy route to emergency exits;
  • Always be alert and awake on the job;
  • Communicate hazards to supervisors and other personnel;
  • Stop work immediately when needed to address hazards in the workplace;
  • Always be alert to potential danger;
  • Avoid anything that does not feel safe – this might save your life;
  • Report suspicious activity immediately;
  • Familiarise yourself with the potential risks;
  • Diminish workplace stress;
  • Trust your instincts;
  • Be aware of all your surroundings;
  • Take frequent breaks when needed to;
  • Assemble your safety gear;
  • Always focus on compliance;
  • Stay sober.
Workplace safety is extremely important for employees in the industry. All workers desire to work in a safe and protected working environment. Health and safety is a crucial factor for all the industries in order to encourage the wellness of both employees and employers. It is an obligation and ethical responsibility of the company to look after the employee’s safety. Remember, working in a safe way means you will live to see another day.

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