ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) have been implemented by many companies throughout South Africa with the intention of ensuring their operations meet the compliance requirements of government’s ever stricter Environmental legislation and regulations.

Having an EMS helps you as an organisation identify your compliance obligations to shareholders, stakeholders, and Government in a systematic and cost-effective manner. This proactive approach assists in reducing the risk of non-compliance and improves on the health and safety of your employees, the public and the environment. However, an EMS also provides a means of attaining a competitive advantage for companies within their respective markets.

Research has indicated that companies who maintain an ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System have not only observed an improved company reputation and business advantage but have also reduced operational costs through more efficient processes, effective cost saving and income generating initiatives linked to re-use and recycling initiatives.

An ISO 14001 EMS is suitable for all types and sizes of organisations and requires that companies look for ways to continually improve on their systems in ways that can be beneficial in making their companies more competitive in today’s market as well as reducing costs and wastages. An EMS also creates a more systematic approach to legal compliance and overall environmental performance and can provide a basis for stronger operational control and employee involvement in these controls.

Environmental Assurance has a dedicated ISO 14001 Environmental Management System division that has employees dedicated to ensuring they assist your company build the ISO EMS tailormade to your organisational needs and requirements, assist in identification of areas for improvement and take you from implementation of your EMS to certification. Why not give us a call today and find out how we can assist you with your ISO 14001 needs.

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