ENVASS has a team of certified Green Star Accredited Professionals to help you with your Green Star Rating of your development! We specialise in office; residential and multi-purpose Green Star Ratings and we are a registered member of the Green Building Council of South Africa. Green buildings are sustainable buildings, energy and resource efficient, which are designed, constructed and operated in an environmentally responsible manner.
Why certify your development?
According to the GBCSA, in practice, Green building measures include:
- Careful building design to reduce heat loads, maximising natural light and promote the circulation of fresh air
- Energy-efficient air conditioning and lighting
- Using environmentally friendly, non-toxic materials
- Reducing waste and using recycled materials
- Water-efficient plumbing fittings and water harvesting
- Using renewable energy sources.
- Sensitivity to the impact of the development on the environment
GBCSA has developed various Green Star SA Rating tools which include various environmental impact categories. The categories are divided into credits which are assessed and a category score is obtained. An environmental weighting factor is applied to each category score which in the end gives you a rating for your building. Four to Six Star Rated Buildings are eligible for certification. 4 Star = Best Practice, 5 Star = SA Excellence, 6 Star = World Leadership.
For more information visit:
https://gbcsa.org.za/ For your Green Star Certification contact: