All projects and developments pose some level of risk. These risks may be financial, market related or even technical risks to name only a few. Last on the agenda is often investigating the “Environmental Risk” associated with a project or development.

One of the key steps to be taken when purchasing a property or launching a project is to ensure you are aware of the potential environmental risks. This exercise will in the long term counteract delays implementing the project, financial implications, and potentially even hefty fines or criminal prosecution.

Completing an Environmental Feasibility Study during the early planning phases will identify potential environmental risks from the start. This study will inform you if investing in a development or purchasing a property is worth the risk taking.

The environmental feasibility study will identify the environmental sensitivities associated with the project, determine the necessary authorisations and approvals that will need to be obtained in accordance with environmental legislation, identify opportunities, constraints and provide mitigation measures that will offer valuable input into the design, ensuring a feasible and sustainable project or development.

There are two key types of environmental feasibility studies that can be tailored to fit a client’s requirements:

Preliminary Environmental Feasibility Study

This type of feasibility study utilises literature reviews, Geographic Information System (GIS) data and desktop studies to determine potential constraints and opportunities, determine applicable legislative requirements in terms of licencing and authorisations, identify risks in terms of site sensitivity (aquatic biodiversity, terrestrial biodiversity, land capability, etc.) applicable to a project or development. Results are reported in a short report highlighting the key risks to be considered and concluding if the project is viable from an environmental point of view.

Detailed Environmental Feasibility Study

A more detailed feasibility study is undertaken for developments/ projects with the greatest potential in terms of social, economic, and environmental benefits. During the detailed feasibility assessment site investigations will be undertaken by specialists and stakeholders will be engaged to identify constraints and opportunities that will ensure the project/development objectives can be achieved in the most feasible manner.

ENVASS has a qualified team of specialists and environmental assessment practitioners that can provide environmental feasibility studies for various industry sectors as well as the public. All feasibility studies can be tailored to fit the project or development requirements.

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