Envass Team

Highly qualified and experienced specialists and consultants.

André Buys

Senior Business Unit Manager: Operations
André joined the ENVASS Team in June 2022 as an Environmental consultant. Currently, he serves as a Business Unit Head and Environmental Consultant to ENVASS where his responsibilities include project management, coordination, business development, marketing, and consulting services.

André completed a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences, followed by a B.Sc. (Hons) specialising in Geology, Geography, and Hydrology. He is a Professional Registered Scientist (SACNASP), having comprehensive experience and knowledge of compliance monitoring, project management, specialist assessments, groundwater resource development, and soil classification. As an environmental consultant, Andre has provided numerous environmental monitoring assessments, specialist input services, geophysical profiling and evaluations, borehole siting, aquifer yield interpretations and recommendations as well as scientific reports.
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